
Sunday, February 1, 2009

And so it goes...

Well, I know that it seems like I only blog once a month and well... I guess that is true. We have been so VERY busy the last few months. Here is the story:
In October, the youth pastor at my dad's church, Grace Church in Fairview Heights, IL, resigned to move back home to Texas with his wife and two little children. When this happened, Jerry and I received a phone call informing us of this and letting us know to send in Jerry's resume. After praying about it for two weeks, we decided to do it. Through an interview during Thanksgiving and the job offer before Christmas, we are now in Illinois. We moved on January 7th. It was an amazing learning time to be apart of New Life Community Church in Nashville, IN. We made many friends and had great experiences. It is also nice to be home in Illinois. It has been such a joy to be around family and friends. While interviewing for the position here Jerry made a comment, "we have spent 4 1/2 years ministering and growing away from our family - now it is time to minister and grow with our family."

If you have time, the church website is - take a look.
I will be doing better at keeping up with the blog since we have gotten ourselves settled (at least I think we are...)

1 comment:

Jennifer Handsaker said...

Finally a new post! Ha! We love you guys and are so excited about all of your changes. Can't wait to meet the little man!