I tell you what, Buc is very proud of his new brother Finley. His is always concerned when Finley cries or coos. His comes running and then makes sure that daddy is fixing the problem. He is so gentle and loving. For this picture I just laid Finley on Buc and they both were great! Finley actually cried and Buc wimpered when I picked him up. Love for life!
Here are Finley's new friends Jude (he is with his mommy, Afton) and Landis. He can't wait to play with them! And then, here is Nonni with her wet pants ~ Finley decided to pee on her after worship practice on Wednesday night. It was funny - we had no idea where it came from...his diaper wasn't even wet! Boys, Boys, Boys.
And of course, like the proud parents we are, here is a picture of his first time in his bed.